Tag Archives: advance payment export business

advance payment export business.the biggest question in export import business is advance payment is possible in export business. a lot of experts have different type of views but yes its possible if you carry all mandatory documents for export import business.

Credit policy is for domestic business as per international business standard whole world using this method in export business.

this method in export business is right way to mitigate other fraudulent activities which can affect directly your new start up export business.

This is most favoured method of payment from the viewpoint of the exporter. This mode does not have any credit or transfer risk to the exporter in executing the contract, whatsoever. When the conditions in the importer’s country are unstable and there is no guarantee of receipt of payment, even after successful execution of the contract, terms is always insisted by the exporter. If an order from Afghanistan is received, Indian exporter may prefer to forego the order however attractive the price terms may be, unless terms payment is received.