Wool Products Export From India

Wool is an essential fibre for producing winter clothing, floor coverings and industrial usage. India, with the third largest sheep population (74.26 million) is the ninth largest wool producer in the world. The organized sector of India consists of composite mills, combing units, spinning mills, carpet manufacturing units, woven and knitted garment units. The decentralized wool sector of India consists of powerlooms, handlooms, knitting and hosiery, dyeing, etc.

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    Central Wool Development Board (CWDB)

    Established in 1987, the CWDB was formed to harmonize various diversified interests among different sectors of wool industry for integrated policy development of the industry.

    The responsibilities of the board are the development of wool and woolen industry, marketing intelligence and products, price stabilization, testing of wool and woolens, product development and mainly advising the government in policy formations and coordination.

    Rekha Kl

    Expertise in CWDB License


    Wool is an essential fibre for producing winter clothing, floor coverings and industrial usage. India, with the third largest sheep population (74.26 million) is the ninth largest wool producer in the world. The organized sector of India consists of composite mills, combing units, spinning mills, carpet manufacturing units, woven and knitted garment units. The decentralized wool sector of India consists of powerlooms, handlooms, knitting and hosiery, dyeing, etc.

    The major wool producing states in the year 2020-21 were, Rajasthan (15.68 million kg), Jammu and Kashmir (7.65 million kg), Telangana (3.37 million kg), Gujarat (2 million kg), Maharashtra (1.55 million kg), Himachal Pradesh (1.48 million kg), Karnataka (1.05 million kg), Uttar Pradesh (0.89 million kg), West Bengal (0.76 million kg) and Haryana (0.69 million kg).

    India produces three main categories of wool: Carpet Grade, Apparel Grade and Coarser Grade. These categories make up 85%, 5% and 10% of the total production for 2020-21 respectively. The wool industry of India provides employment to around 1.2 million people in the organized sector and about 2 million people in the associated industries. Around 0.3 million people are in the business of carpet weaving. The wool production of the country in 2020-21 stood at 36.93 million kg.

    Integrated Wool Development Pragramme (IWDP)

    To develop the wool sector of India, the Ministry of Textiles formulated an Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP). This scheme is formulated to improve the country’s competitiveness and quality of woolen products. Under IWDP, the ministry has allocated Rs. 126 crore (US$ 1.66 million) as a part of a five year plan (i.e 2021-22 to 2025-26). This scheme aims to harmonize the wool supply chain, link the wool industry and producers and provide a marketing platform to the smaller woolen products manufacturers in India. Through this scheme, the Ministry of Textiles aims to improve the quality of woolen products by increasing wool testing, improve the tools available for manufacturing and providing skill development and capacity building capabilities to the hand-made manufacturers.

    The various components of this scheme have been allocated appropriate budgets. About 63% of the total Rs. 126 crore (US$ 1.66 million) budget has been allocated towards the Wool Processing Scheme (WPS), Human Resource Development and promotional Activities Scheme and the Pashmina Wool Development Scheme (PWDS). Rs. 20 crore (US$ 2.5 million) have been allocated for the establishment and administrative expenses of the Nodal Agency and Rs. 12.42 crore (US$ 1.56 million) are reserved for the Wool Marketing Scheme (WMS) of the overall wool development scheme in India.

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    India exports woolen yarn fabrics, hand-made carpets and ready-made garments to Italy, Korea, the UK, the USA, Sri Lanka, Germany, Australia, the UAE, Sweden, Netherland, Oman, Afghanistan, Tanzania, etc. The USA is a major importer of woolen products from India with 2020-21 exports at US$ 855.6 million. The UK and Germany are the two large exporters with 2020-21 exports valued at US$ 81.2 million and US$ 97.5 million. The value of exports to the UAE, Sweden and Netherlands for the year 2020-21 was US$ 38.5 million, US$ 32.9 million and US$ 34 million, respectively.

    The woolen fabrics are mainly exported to Italy, Korea, the UK, the USA, Sri Lanka, Germany and Australia. During 2020-21, these countries imported Rs. 513.9 crore (US$ 64.5 million) worth of yarn fabrics from India, a share of 64% out of the total yarn exports. Italy was the major importer during the same period at 17.5%.

    The woolen carpets are majorly exported to the USA. During 2020-21, the country imported Rs. 6300.9 crore (US$ 791 million) worth of carpets from India, with a share of about 58% of total carpet exports. The top 7 woolen carpets export destinations (i.e. the USA, Germany, Australia, the UK, the UAE, Sweden and Netherlands) accounted for 81% of the total exports from India during 2020-21.

    The ready-made woolen garments are mainly exported to the USA, Oman, Afghanistan, Germany, France, Netherlands and Tanzania. These countries combined accounted for 56% of the total woolen garments exports from India.

    • Details of Portable Tents, Torch, Gumboots and Pashmina combs distributed among livestock (Sheep/Goat) breeders of Nyoma and Durbuk block under Pashmina Wool Development Scheme of CWDB (MOT) for the year 2013-14.
    • Statement showing the details of Nutrient supplements (Barley, fodder and pelleted feed) to be distributed among the Villages/Hamlets of Changthang region under the centrally sponsored programme of IWIDP-SWIP and PDP for the year 2012-13.
    • Distribution matrix of Nutrient supplements (Barley, fodder and pelleted feed) for Villages/Hamlets for Changthang region under the centrally sponsored programme of IWIDP-SWIS and PDP for the year 2013-14.
    Objective of the Scheme
      • To increase the annual wool production in India
      • To improve the quality of wool fibre and quality of processing the wool
      • To establish service and research centres to improve the quantity and quality of import and export production
      • To increase marketing and branding promotion for export production of wool