Sport Goods Export From India

he sports goods industry of India is nearly a century old and holds a prominent position in the global market. The industry has flourished, driven by a skilled workforce hence known for its role in creating employment and contributing to the country’s economy. The industry employs more than 500,000 people.

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    Sports Goods Export Promotion Council (SGEPC)

    The SGEPC is a Government of India sponsored organization that works towards the promotion of the export of Indian sports goods and toys. The council represents the leading manufacturers and exporters in the country. The main activities of the SGEPC are trade promotion, information dissemination, export statistics tracking and projection.

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    Driven by skilled workforce and innovation, India’s sports goods industry is popular around the world with an established space in the global market. To promote the industry further and assist exporters from India, Sports Goods Export Promotion Council was established in 1958. With over 200 manufacturers and exporters, SGEPC works to ensure smooth functioning and growth of the sports goods industry in the country. This organization is led by a committee of elected representatives from the Indian Sports industry and government representatives.


    India exports sporting goods to the USA, China, Australia, Germany, the UAE, the UK, Netherlands, France, South Africa, Sweden, Canada, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, and a total of more than 200 countries. During 2021-22, the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, and Netherland were among the top importers of Indian sporting goods. Sports goods exported to the USA have recorded significant growth of 48% to reach US$ 198.8 million, growing from US$ 134.7 million in the previous year. Similarly, exports to the UK, Australia, and Germany have increased by 42%, 32%, and 32%, reaching US$ 74.7 million, US$ 33.2 million, and US$ 32.8 million in 2021-22, respectively. From April 2022-August 2022, exports to the USA stood at US$ 118.31 million, the UK stood at US$ 31.34 million, Germany stood at US$ 17.53 million and Australia stood at US$ 15.19 million.

    As per India Exim Bank analysis, the UK is the largest importer of India’s export of Tennis balls, inflatable balls, and other balls (excl. golf balls, and table tennis balls), followed by Australia and UAE in the same order of exports. For Festive article exports, USA is the major importer with significant share in the overall exports. UAE is one of the key importers of articles and equipment for table tennis, tennis, badminton, and similar rackets commanding a major share of the total exports. India’s exports of Water Sports Equipment have significant demand from countries like Spain and Sri Lanka. India’s exporters actively tap developing countries like Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Chile, Columbia, Argentina, Nigeria, Peru, and Ecuador, which have significant demand for sports equipment and supplies.

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    SGEPC’s Activities

    SGEPC’s range of activities include both that spur the industry’s performance on one hand and those which helps to promote its presence internationally, on the other.

    An Apex Industry Forum : SGEPC is a common platform for companies from all over the country, with common interests, where they can meet to exchange views, decide on common strategies for promotion and also wherefrom they can voice their concerns at both national and international levels.

    Trade Promotion Activities : SGEPC organizes trade promotion activities like Indian participation in International Trade fairs, Visits of Business Delegations, Promotional campaigns in international markets etc.

    Dissemination of Information : SGEPC provides important information to the members on market intelligence, standards & specifications, quality & design, and on any other issue which may directly or indirectly affect the industry.
    Link Between the Industry and the Indian Government: SGEPC is the direct link between the industry and the Government whereby it provides feedback on industry’s requirements to the Indian Government and also informs Government directives to the industry.

    Export Statistics and Projections : SGEPC collects export data from its members, maintains a statistical record of exports of sports goods and toys and evaluates its performance on an annual basis.

    Export Awards : SGEPC recognizes the achievements of exporters and awards the top performers annually.

    Benefit of Membership

    Authentication of Exporters: SGEPC records the annual export figures of all the exporters and is a source for authenticated reliable data.

    Promotion of Industry in Overseas events: Council promotes the entire Industry through :
    • India Pavilions in leading international fairs: SGEPC organizes participation and forms an India Pavilion where its member exhibitors are provided with thematic stands as per their individual requirements, at highly negotiated rates.
    • Buyer Seller Meets: SGEPC organizes BSMs in potential countries with the help of Indian Missions and/or local marketing consultants.

    Implementing, Processing & Disbursing Grants and Schemes of the Govt.:

    • MDA & MAI Grants for participation in overseas activities
    • Duty Credit Scrip (7% of exports) under Focus Product Scheme.
    • Duty Free import of notified raw materials for sports goods. 

    Overseas Business Enquiries: SGEPC circulates business enquires received directly or through Indian Missions abroad and also provides buyers with the list of the exporters as solicited.

    Communication and Publicity: The Council has various communication instruments catering to its members, the Govt. as well as buyers which include:
    Regular Circulars / Websites / Members Directory / Catalogues / Advertisements / Banners

    Link between Industry and Government: SGEPC  is a link between the Industry and the Govt. whereby it channelizes assistance offered by the Government to the Industry. SGEPC also provides feedback of the Industry to the Govt. for Policy formulation & fixation of incentives for the industry.

    Market Studies & Dissemination of Information: SGEPC undertakes specific market studies and provides information on market intelligence, trends, related international news, etc. through its communication channels and/or though Seminars and Workshops.

    Export Statistics and Projections: for maintenance of records about exports of Sports Goods & Toys as well as evaluation of performance on an annual basis.

    Export Awards: Council provides recognition to leading exporters and also to entrepreneurs and achievers.

    Visa and Other Support to Members: Visa recommendation letters are provided to members to facilitate their export promotion visits.

    Memorandum & Articles of Association
    How to become a member of SGEPC?
    1. The council has two memberships – associate and ordinary. Following are the documents required to become a member of the Sports Goods Export Promotion Council2:
      ● Import and Export Code (IEC) issued by Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)
      ● Bank Confidential Report from the Bankers of the applicant firm
      ● In case of manufacturer-exporter, the application form must be accompanied by a photocopy of the registration certificate issued by the General Manager, District Industries Centres
      ● Sales turnover of exports of sports goods of previous financial year
      ● Undertaking as per the format shared by the council

      Once you have the required documents, submit an application to become a member of the Sports Goods Promotion Council. After registration, you will receive Regulation-cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC)